There's a box and it's addressed to us! We like getting mail. Mom, we want to open our package now!
Let's see who it's from. Wow, some kitty has really fancy writing!
It's from Boo over at ManxMnews! That package came all the way across the country to our house in Edmonds, Charlemagne.
Really? That's a long way, Tamar. Isn't she from Florida where our Daddy used to live?
Momma: Yes, kitties, that's right.
Okay, Momma - let's see what all is in there!
It's a Christmas card from Boo and the rest of the kitties, Abby, Gracie, Ping and Jinx. What a beautiful card! It will look so nice hanging up with the rest of Momma and Daddy's cards.
Oh goodness - look at all of the wonderful presents that she sent! Cat nip toys - goody, goody, goody. Those will be so fun to waller around with!
Wow, there's so much cool stuff here! Temptations and Fancy Feast and Meow Mix and catnip toys and a whole stocking full of kitty toys! We will be busy playing for a long time!
Don't forget the jack - we both really like the jack. Momma has seen both of us playing with it and carrying it around. We don't usually share, but we'll make an exception for it.
And look, she sent us a box to play in, too! Thank you so much for all of the great presents, Boo! We really appreciate it and look forward to spending lots of time playing with the toys and nomming on the yummy treats!
Boo, we're wishing you (and all your family) a pawsitively Purry Christmouse and a Happy New Year,
Charlemagne and Tamar
From Momma: The kitties don't have their own blog, but love reading about everyone's adventures. Charlemagne is the gray and white boy Maine Coon boy and Tamar is our tiger striped Pixie Bob girl.